Well, it's been a hot minute. Since I last wrote, life got busy. My days are now consumed with supervising Channing as she completes homework or heaven forbid a project, helping a new colleague adjust to her new job, going to the gym...(yes I exercise now Jhemi Wellness has a special, $45.00 a month for teachers). I have been preparing for sight word tests, forgetting swim caps, waiting for Chases's teeth to arrive (he is two years old with six teeth..go figure...they will show up when they show up), hanging out with Eric at Festivals, watching pumpkins being carved and keeping my eyebrows as shaped as I can until I can get them threaded again.
Despite all of that, all that we call motherhood and marriage, the good and the bad...I am officially back at a place to start writing again. It is only fitting that I begin where I left off because...It is still okay.

1. It's okay to add a few clip in hair extensions because your hair needs to be 
    permed and you don't want to comb through your new growth.

2. It's okay to brush your teeth at 1:15pm when you are on vacation.

3. It's okay to celebrate your child's birthday a day late because you want to 
   hang out with your best friend, baby daddy at the Wine Tasting.

4. It's okay to skip Grey's Anatomy because you are sooooo over it and Scandal
    is off the chain!

5. It's okay to miss your mom!

6. It's okay to hate doing chores you once enjoyed before you had children. 
    I need a gardener on staff!

7. It's okay to get excited about picking your daughter up from school to only 
    wish two hours later that she would go back to school and stop talking your
    head off!

8. It's okay to celebrate every time your menstrual         cycle arrives!

9. It's okay to exercise then have a drink.

10. It's okay if you are not allowed to bake treats for child's class.
A friend sent this to me.... she knows I share the same baking skills with this mother who was only trying to be a good mother! JOKES!


Keshala and Tiffany enjoying a drink and great company!

For all of those that missed last night's drink at Luciano's, not to worry!  We will be there same time, same place, next week November 5, 2013.  Please Save the Date, make arrangements and come out and enjoy yourselves!

We had one MWM join us, but we still had a great time! It starts with one. :)

I hope to see and meet more of you!

MWMs Management, Candilaria and Tiffany

Come And Join MWMs At Lucianos


Come and Join us...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

@ 5:30 p.m.

Luciano's, East Bay St.

Even if it's just to stop and say "Hello"
or to stay and have a drink (or two) with us!

Let us help you unwind before you head home!

MWMs Management


     This morning as I sat on my couch once again (hey I'm still on vacation, I'm allowed to do that..hee hee), I stumbled on a show called Home & Family on the Hallmark Channel. Maybe some of you have seen it or maybe not. Maybe I'm just behind the eight ball on this one?!

However, The segment that I began watching was with Dr. Sarah Gottfried, a hormone specialist and the author of "The Hormone Cure", being interviewed on the subject matter.

All I know is, I was meant to watch this! Dr. Gottfried offered eye-opening insight to the key hormone Cortisol, which is the main stress hormone.  She explains how important it is, especially for women, to maintain a healthy level of this hormone and ways of naturally balancing it.

So what is Cortisol?  

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone, it increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues. Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation and fear.

What does all of that mean right???  Have you ever wondered why you are moody, tired, and anxious sometimes or all the time? Do you have a low or lno sex drive, or just don't get enough sleep???

According to Dr. Gottfried, high levels of Cortisol is the most common imbalance for women.  She also mentioned that 50% of people suffering from depression have high levels of Coritsol.  That's an alarming percentage, isn't it?!
For us women, just before our period is a perfect storm waiting to happen. As the hormone progesterone increases it causes Cortisol levels to increase as well and wellllllll.....we pretty much become moody little monsters.
Here are 6 symptoms Dr. Gottfried says to look for:
 * Tired 
 *  Wired all the time, anxiety
 *  Belly Fat, weight gain
 *  Memory Issues
 *  Cannot seem to focus, concentration issues 
 *  Moodiness

While these symptoms can seem a bit generic, ask your doctor to do a blood test if you feel you may be experiencing a Cortisol imbalance.  There is also a saliva test you can inquire about if you get squeamish when it comes to needles.  

Not to worry women, there is a natural and healthy way of getting that pesky hormone under control.  Here are some tips to help you: 

*  A Phosphatidylserine supplement
*  Rhodiola herb
*  Fish oil
*  Cut out Caffeine - sorry ladies, but caffeine raises the Cortisol levels
*  Cut out Gluten
*  Have a small piece of dark (not milk!) chocolate everyday. Preferably a dose after your breakfast smoothie 
*  Limit Alcohol - Welp, I had to chuckle at this one.  BUT she did say clear alcohol is better (yay for me and Tiffany!).  Red wine is OK. It was suggested to drink less, but better quality alcohol.  She explains that alcohol not only raises Cortisol levels but it also robs you have a deep sleep....who knew?
To find out more information about this subject, I suggest purchasing Dr. Gottfried's book (as I will as well). It's available on or visit her site.

A Note From The Author, Dr. Sara
“I wrote The Hormone Cure because I believe in women, and I believe in tending their flames. I believe that proactively managing and optimizing health is a driving responsibility and a path to personal power. I believe there’s a reason women have lost their mojo, and that reason is probably hormonal. I believe we can – and should – do something about it because I believe in women living life fully!”
~ Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D.

Let me try go to the Doctor and check my Cortisol Level, Candilaria

Please Note - Married Working Mothers is not being paid to promote this book.  It was merely something I saw on television that I wanted to share.  It makes sense and I feel it's important women know about it.


I didn't watch Scandal last night, but I watched it this morning after school
drop off and with a big cup of hot tea, uninterrupted and speakers on loud.

Ahhh....nothing like a little Scandal in the morning! :)

Does Olivia ever get the day off??? Not sure I want to be a Gladiator for realsies because then I won't get to sit on the couch and do things like watch last night's episode.  hee hee.

But what a dark and emotionally filled episode this was...ughh!

 Mrs. Smith goes to Capitol demanding the government to declassify her son's file and disclose the real reason why the FBI killed her son. Her gut feeling was that her son was innocent and not a terrorist the world pegged him to be. Olivia just happened to be trapped in the Congressman's office with Mrs. Smith, the Congressman and six (6) employees and with all the back and forth the entire episode kept us guessing and wondering what was the true story.  Was he innocent?  Was he what the FBI said he was?  It was heart wrenching either way to watch a mother feel not only the pain over the lost of her son but watching the story unfold.

Olivia negotiated with the FBI and called on her team to help her find out the details of the file.  She also called on Jake who then called Fitz to ask him to help Olivia. Fitz was super jealous that Jake was calling in a favour for Liv but considering all the drama that has happened in the past couple of weeks it's best that Fitz and Olivia aren't seen together or talk to each other.  As Cy explained, "because there is no way in hell I'm allowing the two of you to share a headline for the third week running."

In the meantime, Huck was following Eli Pope's every move.  Plotting revenge for completely mucking up his life.  But Huck should know better. Papa Pope knew he was being followed from second 1.  While Eli went to visit someone who knew about operation Remington, this was Huck's chance to seek his revenge and do away with the Command of B613.  He froze and instead he ended up killing for his Command.

Poor Huck.

Back in the Capitol, Olivia finally learnt the truth about Mrs. Smith's son.  He was in fact an American hero and his death was accidental.  But his mother cannot know that.  She cannot know the truth. 57 undercover CIA's lives depends on it. Although we know Olivia's moral compass is always pointing in the right direction, she knows within herself she cannot disclose this to Mrs. Smith.  So she painfully tells Mrs. Smith that her son was in fact a terrorist and literally just breaks Mrs. Smith's heart all over again.  I think we knew Mrs. Smith was going to die either way.  But she did under her own terms and blew herself up.

Does anyone else notice that Olivia tends to go to her office first before she heads home after a long day? I think that is such a weird habit. Anyhoo, she does and is greeted by a very broken Huck. Huck needs help.  Huck needs his family.  

When Olivia arrives home, Scott approaches her with a kiss on the cheek. (Did I mention that I like Jake? Good Jake, good Jake). Olivia questioned Jakes release to which Jake had no answer. No one is released without a reason. Huck's release was to protect her but what is the reason for Jake's?  Jake admitted that it was her face that kept him alive while in the hole. Awwww.

Huck. Olivia. Jake.  All controlled by one man, Eli Pope.

Before I wrap up...I can we talk about Mellie's very honest and deep monologue with Fitz after all the hoopla! 
Mellie: If your whore had died today brave and strong, protecting a Congressman inside the Capitol with a nation watching, honey, the nails, the wood, the cross you would build and hammer her on, the worship you would feel for the rest of your days down on your knees praying to Saint Olivia Pope. That would be...I'd lose. Our little war. I'd lose. I am spectacular, but I can't compete with religious fervour, but no, I was not praying that she'd be blown up today. I am not miserable. I'm celebrating. Because Olivia Pope still walks this Earth. She's still alive. And as long as she's still alive, well, she's your flaw. Your Achilles heel. Which makes her my weapon. She's the strings that if need be I will pull to make my puppet husband dance. So cheers, baby. Drink up. I live to fight another day.
Brilliantly written and marvellously acted.  And the award goes to....Bellamy Young!

What did you think of "Mrs. Smith goes to Washington?"  Do you think Huck could ever be healed?  What about Olivia? 

I'm spent, Candilaria


So how bootleg am I???

I didn't write a review for the season premiere of Scandal!!!  How even more bootleg am I, that I missed the first 15 minutes of it?!  I fell asleep during Grey's Anatomy (does anyone think Grey's entire story line is just way too outrageous these days?!? It's like Ughhh, enough much more drama can Meredith go through??? know what, I take that back!). 

Waking up already 15 minutes into the episode and groggy, I just couldn't keep up! Although I watched the rest of it, I was no good to write a review. I sowee. #itbeslikethatsometimes

My Thursday evenings are complete again! 

So since we are already a week into the season, I will begin with the second episode...

Just to recap, Olivia was ousted as The President's mistress, but while she, Fitz and Mellie tried to construct some version of the truth to go to the public, the Gladiators had their plan to get Liv out of this mess.  How genius was it that Fitz was the one that leaked her name to the press?! Shocked me too but made so much sense Take that Mellie.  Olivia is free of you! When you're going up against Mellie you have to stay a step ahead. 

The gladiators cleverly (and kinda messed up) threw the President's top aide, Jeannine, under the bus as being his mistress.  She is now their client and Olivia is going up against the White House to defend and clear her name.

This show is brilliant! Brilliant I say!

We finally learn more about Olivia and her past.  Her dad, Eli Pope. How scary is he?! Yikes. 

Liv put the pieces together and found out (with the help from her then homeless friend Huck) that daddy dearest is THE Command for the top secret "I train people to kill" section B613.  He went from cheery to eerie in 0.2 seconds and literally took my nerves! But hey, we now know where her insatiable love of red wine came from. Sunday dinners. 

Red red wine...courtesy of Entertainment Weekly
Huck also found out that Mr. Pope is Command, and he's not happy.  Not one bit. My heart ached when he put his hands on Liv.  Olivia and Huck's relationship has been extremely honest, genuine, and close. How will this change things after last night?  It will be interesting to watch. And can I just ask, did Quinn piss any of you off?  I'm sorry but she was every bit annoying and her actions were quite unsettling.

Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly

Back to a nutshell, Olivia wanted to clear her name from the allegations of sleeping with Fitz.  Mellie paid Jeannine a visit and convinced her to take the fall. She agreed.  But Fitz beat her to the punch.  Why you ask?  Olivia wanted Jake to return home safely.  She called her lover to ensure Jakes safety and release. Fitz apparently doesn't have any jurisdiction over B613 but what does Olivia care.  He's the damn President, get it done!  So because of his love for Liv, Fitz "admitted" he had Jeannine "six ways to Sunday all over the White House" (that was for Sally Langston...hehe) because that was the only way Papa Pope would release Jake and if Liv agreed to have Sunday dinners with him again.

Was anyone else shocked to learn about the attack on Edison back when he and Olivia were engaged?!  Here we thought she just wasn't that into him. But she had no choice to break it off!  Wow. Mr. Pope, controlling much?

The episode ended with Jake knocking on Olivia's door and the look on her face when she saw him was of shock and relief.  She certainly cares about him.  What a love triangle this will be!  HOT.  Hot I tell ya!

I'll leave you with some awesome Scandal quotes for this episode:

Cyrus: You're evil.Mellie: You're welcome.
Fitz: Somewhere, in another life, another reality, we are married and we have four kids, and we live in Vermont, and I'm the mayor--Olivia: And I make jam.Fitz: And you make jam.
Huck: Quinn, I know I've taught you lots of things but you should try to be less like me. You should be less like me. And more like Liv.
Eli: “You don’t know me that way. You don’t want to know me that way.” “You are on my dime. Pick up your menu and tell me about your day.”
And the quote of the night was... 
Fitz: “How presidential are my balls now, Cy?”

What did you think of "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?" Good Jake? Bad Jake? Can we find out what was in that folder?! Is Joe Morton a great actor, or what?!

"Are we Gladiators? Or are we b*tches?" ~ Harrison, 