As a single twenty something recent graduate, I was committed to spending money; whether the cash was spent on buying new extensions, shoes, attending the latest events or traveling; budgeting was out of sight and definitely out of mind; along with the idea of paying off my school debt.  

When I became pregnant, the things that I considered luxuries were replaced by new things. Nothing tests your desire to spend like having a child, because now everything is a must have. My daughter must have six different diaper bags, cute pink sun shades, a Dora blow up toy, 25 sing-a- long cds (she is two and have only listened to one), and God forbid, I would never let my kid wear hand me downs, are you kidding me?

As Adaya got older, I realized how my luxury spending now became necessities; “I have to buy her fast food everyday because I am too tired to cook a meal” $$ can you hear the money adding up? Well I heard it but definitely ignored for quite awhile until broke met baby! 

There are plenty reasons why people make the decision to live a more frugal life, my reason was not a choice and believe me it surely was not welcomed.  The first frugal living decision I had to make was hard but I had to be able to identify wants and needs.  Only spend on what matters.

Today, I consider myself to be fairly frugal and to be honest, I think I take it too far and cross into the realm of cheap! For example, I have a pair of black shoes that I got about three months ago that were $35.00 and they are busted! I know they are busted, I can see it, people comment on it every day, yet I won’t invest in a new pair; mainly because it’s a shoe and in my mind it really doesn’t matter!  Now, I am not suggesting that you live a pauper life like this, however I would suggest as a mother, father or family with kids (especially the younger ones) it is important to take on a more frugal lifestyle.

Frugal Living is not suppressive! In fact it is the complete opposite. Here are a few ways that you can live a more frugal life:

·         Track Your Spending and I mean everything. See where you can cut back and find ways to eliminate unnecessary spending

·         Attack Your Debt easier said than done right? Nope. Take it from me, it’s much more rewarding to pay off your car loan than to have $800.00 in your bank account and have bill collectors calling.

·         Buy in Bulk. My parents together have six kids, so it was necessary that they purchase things in bulk. From toilet tissue to snacks and even kool-aid, every couple months, we would get a shipment. Learning from my mom, I found the saving sense in bulk buying. Not only are you saving lots of money, but you also eliminate the hassle of going to the food store every week! For you new moms, I am sure you understand the importance of this.

·         Think about Why You Buy. Every parent wants the best for their child. But are what we considering “the best” really necessary?  When I had to return to work from maternity leave, in selecting a school for Adaya I wanted the best. In my mind, the best meant more money. That being said we opted for a nursery that was said to be “one of the best” on the island, four days into nursery, $745.00 spent (uniform, registration, seat fee, and a month of care)  Adaya got really sick and had a diaper rash that was so bad she lost skin! So much for “the best”. Needless to say, I have learnt my lesson. Big bucks don’t always mean the best.

Frugal living means spending considerably less than what you earn, which equates to unlimited opportunity for saving, creating memories and following your dreams. My tip to all parents and families, spend when needed and enjoy the best that life has to offer; most of which are free!

Written By
Ms. Worrell

Ms. Worell is a freelance Public Relations & Creative Guru,  blogger, and JazzyMOM. Born and bred in Nassau, Bahamas, studied International Business and Marketing at Saint Leo University,Tampa Florida and is now completing her MBA. She has one little princess buttercup that has made her life complex, entertaining and most of all AMAZING! She loves makeup, fashion, hair (particularly extensions), blogging,and all things girlie! 

Visit her blog at:
Twitter Handle: @annisbubble
Instagram: annisbubble


MWMs said...

Miss Worell,
Thank you for your post. If we are honest, we can all confess to having 'to cut back on our spending' after becoming mothers. One time ago I used to go to the hairdresser every two weeks. Now I am my own 'kitchen beautician'. I totally related to this post.


Keiani Worrell said...

Hi Tiffany,

Thanks for your comments. Agreed, it seems as if we have all been there and done that! Sometimes the alternative living isn't so bad and I am sure the kitchen beautician final products have been amazing!

Keiani (Anni)

Christy G said...

Great information. It is hard saying no to your kids but it is very important to teach them at an early age that money doesn't grow on trees.

MWMs said...

Very interesting article by your guest blogger, Ms Worrell. I am happy that she caught her spending in time regarding her Princess Cupcake. As my generation would say, YOU MUST SAVE FOR THE RAINY DAY. Even if she does not have any rainy days, she will soon realize that as Ms.Princess grows, so will the expenses. Ballet, costumes for the school plays, money for the birthday parties she will get invited too, money for no uniform day, money for the school fairs, money for the field trips and don't even mention braces for the teeth, tooth fairy money, Santa money and these are only few of the expenses before she becomes a teenager.

I am not going to mention education money.

Children prevents some of us from becoming millionaires, but I guess my generation would say - what's money compared to the joys children bring...........oh I almost forgot stress too!

Geneva Roberts
Tiffany's Mother

Unknown said...

hi Keeks this is an awesome article be encouraged stay focused & be Blessed

honest company reviews said...

They're super stretchy and the softest diaper I've felt. Nothing scratchy touching the baby, and since they stretch and fit comfortably snug no matter what, you never have a pile of left over diapers that don't fit him anymore, when they go up to a new size. They fit till the end, and they overlap each other in size rage so there are no weird periods of growth when he's an 'in-between' size.

Keiani Worrell said...

@Christy Garret: Amen to that! That is what I was taught as a child and it sure worked for me!

Thanks for reading and be sure to stop by

@Geneva Roberts, Thank you for your comments and yes.. "your generation" is so much wiser! My mom constantly reminds me to prioritize and do what is needed first, everything else will come. Education is priority now ... Barney, Dora and Winnie will simply have to wait!

@Keith Worrell ( my dad :) ) thanks for the kind words! Love ya much.

Anonymous said...

I am very frugal and to be honest, almost borderline cheap. My husband would say the opposite. He calls me "Mrs. Tightest" I think when you become a mom, you realize the real value of money. You start thinking beyond today and yourself and start thinking long-term and for your family. I have several pairs of run down, beat-up looking shoes. I deserve to go out and go "shoe crazy", but I haven't and I won't until every pair bust. I am beyond living to impress others. I dress the part when necessary or when I feel like it. But in the meantime, the money I can spend on fancy shoes (or clothes) can go towards something way more valuable and important to my family than dressing to impress others whose opinion of me have absolutely no value. I do not have a mortgage as yet, but I am preparing for when that time does come.

Unknown said...

Love this article. just getting frugal now after second child and marriage and wish I had started sooner....but better late than never.