The mothers out there that have already potty trained their sons KNOW how difficult it is to teach your son how to use the toilet. Me, personally, I'd rather take a visit to the dentist and have 4 teeth pulled and then be forced to report to work in all my pain than to have to deal with that! It has to be the most frustrating aspects of this age.
My son used to look at me and the toilet like, "Ain nobody gat time fa dat!" LOL. We are not quite there yet, but we've come a long way. He does # 1 just fine, mind you, but we are still working on his aim! Pee goes everywhere, and I mean everywhere. When I go into the children's bathroom these days it smells like a little boy has been there...lol...you know what I'm saying, right?!
But today was a milestone for me and my big brave boy. He went to use the bathroom as usual and after he was done he said that he needed to sit down on the toilet. I instantly knew what he meant and so I remained calm while I allowed him to do what he had to do. And he DID IT! WHOOP WHOOP! And I didn't even have to hold him down!
I hope he keeps this up and puts an end to secretly disappearing into another room to do his do only to walk right back out like a cowboy!
So for those mothers out there with little boys that will soon have to go through this, here is my 5 cents...
There is nothing you can do....lol....boys are just harder to potty train than girls. They are more stubborn and will do it in their own time (yes, they begin this behaviour at a young age and then never change...LOL). I think it's best not to force it or even get upset about it. It will take time, but he will learn. Some boys may be different and learn right away, in that case consider yourself lucky!
I'm only speaking from my experience with my son and knowing the different experiences my 5 nephews (and 1 more on his way to Potty Training University) went through . Each of them with a unique story, trust me!
Any of you potty training your son right now? What is your method, if any? Mothers that have been through this, do you have any suggestions or advice for those that are currently going through it? Do you think there is an easier process and we just don't know it? So many questions...
Can they just come potty trained?!, Candilaria
Chase is 17 months. I will be picking your brain this time next year. My goal though, is to put the job of potty training Chase mainly in the hands of his father. He knows more about those parts than me!!!!!!!!!
I was TOTALLY freaking out about it, because I was listening to "all the noise in the marketplace" about other people's wonder babies that potty trained at 18 months...
Then I met this Mom of 3 in the airport and with a son the same age as Dane, she said, "You know what??? He won't be 18 in pull-ups, so don't stress him and don't stress yourself!"
Therein ended my potty training on a timeline obsession!!! He'll be 3 in August and just LOVES the concept of wearing "jockeys"...his bathroom smells like a homeless man visited and he wet up his car seat the other day...but guess what??? When he's 18, we won't care where that car seat is! LOL...
OK! I agree. Dre IS 3! But he's officially in jockey's and we stopped buying pull ups, even to go to bed in, a little while ago. He has the occasional accident here and there (although lately the accidents have been more frequent) but for the most part he is fully trained.
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